Welcome Sunseeker Guests!
All Charters are family friendly and for all ages.
Come join us on our 26 ft Grady White for a great time on the water!
Restroom on board.

Cayo Costa State Park
4 hours / 2-6 guests / $1400
Encounter 9 miles of untouched, white sandy beaches. Hang a shell on the famous “Shell Tree” while wiggling your toes in the sand. Find Sand Dollars, Florida Fighting Conch to name a few. Sunning, Shelling, beach walks in the sand are highly recommended. Guests disembark on the beach and enjoy the warm welcoming island environment.
Boca Grande Sandbar
5 hours / 2-6 guests / $1400
Located by the Boca Grande Causeway, the famous Boca Grande Sandbar! Home to the H2O fest and the old Railroad Tracks. The train would bring visitors from Tampa to Boca and are still standing. Wade in the ankle deep water, go shelling, or have your picture taken at the Railroad tracks! Snorkeling in the turquoise water is recommended. Lots of wildlife including Conch Shells, Lightning Whelk, Crabs, and an occasional dolphin!

Cabbage Key
4 hours / 2-6 guests / $1300
Go back in time as we dock at the original boat house, circa 1939. Be on the lookout for Manatees and Gopher Tortoises which are frequently seen. Grab a Hibiscus and feed the Gopher Tortoises named after the Ninja Turtles! Feel the warm atmosphere in the restaurant also Circa 1939 with thousands of $1 bills on the ceiling and walls. Jimmy Buffet stayed here a week in 1985 and his famous “Cheeseburger in Paradise” song was inspired by Cabbage Key!
Lemon Bay and Stump Pass
6 hours / 2-6 guests / $1600
Welcome to the stunning Stump Pass and Lemon Bay with access to the Gulf of Mexico! We will pull the bow of the boat onto the beautiful beach of Lemon Bay where we will disembark. A short 30 yards through a well-marked trail to the Gulf. Or, hang out and shell at Lemon Bay. The choice is yours!